Refugee Resettlement

  • Below are the news items that I found most interesting since last week’s round-up.  Although most refugee news involves the Afghans (not refugees, yet), there were some other bits of news this week that you might find useful. Since January 31st marked the end of the first third of the fiscal year (the new year […]
  • Sorry did not get this posted on Monday as I am ‘under the weather,’ will hopefully get back on track on February 14, with more commentary than I am able to muster here…. In free lunch fraud, the friends of Ilhan Omar | Power Line ( Another Violent BLM Arsonist Who Started Fires in St. […]
  • Nothing says “changing America by changing the people” like the video Fox News was showing last week of migrants being quietly flown into small airports for the purpose of distributing the illegal aliens (apprehended at our borders) to a town near you! While we fuss and fume, the Biden Administration is going about its work…. […]
  • The news on refugees is pretty sparse these days as the Afghan migrants (they are not refugees!) are consuming much of the bandwidth (and cash) the contractors need to expand the refugee program to admit their dream number of 125,000 refugees from every corner of the world this year. The Afghans are seemingly being placed […]
  • Good morning from a snowy/icy Maryland! As I bring you refugee news that interested me over the last week, I want to urge you to stay calm.  My goal is to keep you informed and not to cause you stress-related health problems.  There is too much anxiety these days on too many fronts.  In fact, […]

Author: Patriot